Friday, September 14, 2018

It's been A While

Oh my!  No posts since last year?  Sorry about that.  Well I'll just add some new ones to let you know what I have been doing lately.  I went to Fermilabs 9/14/18 to photograph birds and found some green herons hiding in the shadows and unfortunately far upstream.  Not my best work with all that noise I'll keep these until the next time when I have better luck.

Couldn't find anything on lake Law so decided to go to A.E. Sea instead.  To get there I had to walk through tall grass kicking  up hundreds of Cloudless Sulphur Butterflies. That was quite a suprise!

After finally finding an opening most of the birds were on the other side of the lake some 400 yards away.  With a 600 mm zoom lens I wasn't going to get close detailed shots.  Since some egrets and blue herons were flying by I started to shoot pan shots.  Here is one of them.

I promise to keep up with my blogging before another year passes by.

Happy Photographing!